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Sessa Aurunca town is located in the Caserta province, at the foot of the Regional Park of Roccamonfina, dominated by eponymous extinct volcano. The area was inhabited in the seventh/eight century B.C. by the Auruncis population. The Auruncis, defeated in war by the Romans, were later supplanted by them and the former capital Suessa (Sessa) in 313 B.C. became a latin colony and shortly thereafter acquired the coinage right, with its own currency (Suesano). During the Augusto period, Sessa saw a great economy and political development, occupying an area of the double of the present one, with -among other things - great spa and also a theater capable of seating 3.500 spectators.

Naturally Sessa suffers the decline of the Roman Empire and recovers its importance only in the twelfth century. After, in the fourteenth century, Marzano, one of the most important families in the Naples Kingdom, placed the capital of their feud in Sessa, from where they dominated much of the "Terra di Lavoro" (etimology uncertain, which includes part of the administrative region of Campania, Molise and Lazio). The Marzano's domain lasted until 1464 and was replaced by the spanish family Cordoba, among the most influential families of the Spain Kingdom. The Cordoba often delegated the management of Sessa to representatives, devoting more attention to their Spanish properties. The Duchy of Sessa remained under the rule of Cordoba until 1797, when Ferdinand, King of Napoli and King of Sicilia, French expansionism worried, decided to bring back Sessa to his direct control¹. In that year Sessa had about 4.000 inhabitants.

.At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Sessa had significant impact from all the events that were shaking the Kingdom of Naples, like the effects of the France Revolution, the Neapolitan Republic birth and the following restoration of the Naples Kingdom. Consequently Sessa found himself in a new situation of having weaks the two key historical pillars for its importance: the nobilty power and the religious orders. Both had formed the foundation of the city life during the past centuries, but both suffered the revolutionary shakings. In any case Sessa managed to keep at least a role (it mantained the Diocesi status) and remained as one important city within "Terra di Lavoro" province.

In 1864, by a Royal Italian Decree was changed the name in the current Sessa Aurunca, as per the original population name.

Presently the Municipality of Sessa Aurunca, 200 meters high above sea level, has a population of over 22.000 inhabitants, and it located 70 Km. from Naples. 

1 - cf.