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Monarca family branch in Sessa



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In 1696, Monarca family was recorded in the "Sedile di San Matteo", the most important of the city, as noble. Francesco Granata, Bishop of Sessa, underlined in 1766 that the noble families during the times declined in numbers and they were only 21, Monarca included. Likewise even the "Sedili", i.e. the Seats or places where the dedicated noble families gathered per
iodically: only one was left, that of San Matteo, from the original 4 Seats.

The family belonging to the noble class is out of question.
For all the other evidences, it is enough to mention the Royal Dispatch of July 26th 1781 saying that "the King Ferdinando IV grants Gaetano Monarca of Sessa, cadet of the Italian Regiment, the switching to the Royal Regiment of Puglia, enjoying the seniority from July 16,1775, when he began to serve in the Italian Regiment, having the cadet presented documents proving the registration of his family as "Nobiltà Generosa" (1st class) since 1535" (cf. National Archives of the State, Naples, Royal Dispatches, Vol. V, 1781-82)

Many members of the family were appointed in the course of 18th century the office of major in Sessa, which confirms the prestige they enjoyed
locally. In 1799, with the surging of the Neapolitan Republic, we find Gaetano Monarca among the representatives of Sessa municipality, and Vincenzo and Marcello Monarca, among the officers of the local Civil Guard.

The political chaos following the collaps
in May 1799 of Neapolitan Republic  and the restoration of Borbone Kingdom, may have had an impact on the family. In any case a member (Gaetano) was major of Sessa in the years 1818-1819. As was often the case, the noble cadets followed the military career. This was the case for Gaetano (nephew of the former) who became a Brigadier of Gendarmerie at Roccasecca (Frosinone), giving rise to the Frusino branch or as his brother Ferdinando, who left Sessa and moved to Pizzo, in the Calabria region, as officer of the Guardia di Finanza, originating  the Tropea branch. Other members decided to stay in Sessa.
In the years 1889-90 Sessa, like other Italian cities, had its political-administrative periodic, which was called "Ago" and a member of the family, Federico,
was its Managing Director.   

Ducal Palace
       Ducal Castle of Sessa